Bamboo is a typical plant from the grass family. I like to call it a miracle grass for reasons mentioned in this article.
It is one the fastest growing grass with some species growing as much as 36 inches in 24 hours.
Bamboo is best known for the strength and durability. When it comes to strength it is much stronger than general wood, bricks, concrete and even steel.
That’s in the Northeaster India if you’re wondering what can you use bamboo for then I got you covered.
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Here are 20 amazing uses of Bamboo for Home, Office and Yourself
1. Uses of Bamboo Leaves in Health and Diet
Bamboo is vertical in shape and the whole of it can be used in one way or other.
Including leaves,
Bamboo leaves are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants. You can process the leaves and mix it in your tea or coffee.
Some of the benefits of Bamboo leaves are:
- Bamboo leaves can help maintain Blood sugar levels
- Reduce the Cholesterol levels
- The antioxidants can prevent free radicals
- Strengthen Hair and Nails
- Detoxifies the body
- Open wounds and Ulcers can be treated
- Overall health can be maintained
2. Using Bamboo for making Beer
Using bamboo to make beer might not sound like a good idea. But, who doesn’t like a healthy beer?
I am in no way promoting consumption of alcohol. I would personally suggest an alcohol-free lifestyle.
Bamboo beer is claimed to be the most refreshing among all.
The advantages of Bamboo beer are far more promising than other beers.
- Bamboo Beer promote anti-ageing
- Anti-fatigue
- Contains anti-bacterial properties
- Enhances immunity
- Anti-cancer properties
3. Bamboo plants in Garden
Bamboo can be an extremely desirable grass. Some even consider it to be lucky.
Whatever the reason.
If you are considering planting bamboo in your garden, there are some points you need to know:
- Plant your bamboo in spring
- Bamboo needs moist environment
- Go with Clumping bamboo if you are short on space. They also spread slowly
- If you desire vertical growing bamboo then go with Running bamboo. They spread faster
- Keep your garden well irrigated
- Bamboo is a fast growing grass and needs to be managed
4. Use of Bamboo in Construction/Architecture
Bamboo is extremely strong. The tensile strength of Bamboo is between 40-80 N/mm2 which is 2-4 times more than many species of timber. The tensile strength of mild steel is around 36 N/mm2.
Clearly Bamboo is incredibly strong and durable.
It is also abundant and cost effective. It grows at incredible speed. Bamboo takes 5-7 years to mature while a typical timber can take 40 years.
But, can it be used as a construction material?
Bamboooz has already engineered and designed over 100 Bamboo structures from bamboo. These can be called as Green buildings.
A typical bamboo structure uses well-treated bamboo poles and joiners. Bamboo truss and rafters add the extra support and the roof is covered by bamboo sheets.
Advantages of Bamboo structures
- Bamboo locks in CO2.
- The energy used to construct bamboo structures is 1/1000th of the other materials
- Bamboo structures can last over a century
- They are aesthetically beautiful
5. Bamboo Furniture
For centuries furniture has been made out of hardwood/timber, metal and plastic. In recent times bamboo has paved the way for modern and aesthetic looking furniture.
The eco-friendly grass is the best when it comes to furniture.
If you are looking to buy bamboo furniture online then our online store is worth taking a look. A wide range of bamboo products and furniture are available.
Some of the advantages of bamboo furniture are:
- Light weight furniture makes it easier to handle
- Strong and durable furniture, will last for your next generation
- Bamboo is resistant to temperature. It will neither shrink nor expand
- Since bamboo is a grass, it is resistant to termites as well
Millions of hectors of forests can be saved by using bamboo for furniture instead of hardwood
6. Bamboo flooring
Bamboo flooring is commonly done in China and Asia. The manufacturing of bamboo flooring material differs from species to species.
The Bamboo stems are cut out flat, compressed and cut into specific sizes. They are then put together on the floor.
Bamboo flooring mats can also be used, we have used it in many BMTC busses. It is highly cost effective alternative to plywood.
Benefits of Bamboo flooring
- Bamboo flooring is comparatively more durable than other wooden flooring
- It is easier to maintain
- Bamboo flooring looks absolutely gorgeous
- It is water resistant
- Eco-friendly material
- It is cost effective
- It is a natural material, you feel close to nature
7. Bamboo Roofing
Bamboo roofing is an eco-friendly alternative to metal, concrete and hardwood roofing. Yet, there is no compromise on the strength and durability of the roof.
At Bamboooz we provide Bamboo roofing services. We generally use Bamboo mat boards and corrugated bamboo roofing sheets.
Bamboo is cut into splinters, then woven into mats. These mats are treated and eventually pressed at a specific temperature and pressure.
Benefits of Bamboo Roofing
- Eco-friendly alternative to plastic, concrete and hardwood
- Durable and strong
- They can withstand extreme temperatures
- Bamboo is termite resistant
- They have natural and aesthetic look
8. Uses of Bamboo in interior designing and decor
Decors is the icing on the cake when it comes to construction and designing of houses. We already know about Bamboo construction.
But, Decors?
When it comes to using Bamboo for interior designing and decors, sky is the limit.
Bamboo poles and Bamboo sticks can be used in many ways. A few unique bamboo decors to mention are:
- Bamboo wind chimes
- Triangular Lamps
- Fancy Stands
- A fountain
- Shoe Stand/rack
- Candles
- Bamboo themed wall
- Pergola
- A chandelier
- Bamboo Blinds
Really, Sky is the limit!
9. Bamboo fences and separators using Bamboo poles and sticks
Another great way to use Bamboo poles and sticks is to make fences and separators. Bamboo poles can be tightly stacked next to each other with a rope.
To achieve a unique fence design, poles of different sizes and shapes can be stacked.
Bamboooz has designed fences and separators for environment-themed restaurants and cafes.
Bamboo poles and sticks when individually placed also look great. Just the natural look of Bamboo poles is aesthetic.
Consider this your next DIY project.
10. Using Bamboo for Musical Instruments
Bamboo is used to make musical instruments in a majority of Asian countries. The most popular instrument being the Flute.
In India we call it Bansuri.
A special type of Bamboo is used to make the Flute. The length between the two nodes should be around 16 inches.
The bamboo is carefully selected based on hollowness and straightness. It is then cut into appropriate sizes and treated with natural oils to strengthen it.
The holes are drilled and a few artistic touches are given to make it appealing.
A few other instruments to mention are Bamboo drums, Xylophone etc.
11. Bamboo utensils
Utensils made of Bamboo are in use for a long time. A skilled artisan can make a wide range of utensils that go well in your kitchen.
Utensils like Spoons, Spoon holders, Chopping boards, skewer sticks, knife holders, cups, bowls, dish holders, salt shakers etc. They are easy to find.
Do you really need Bamboo utensils?
Here are some advantages to you choose to:
- Bamboo utensils are durable like everything else
- They are water, stain and odour resistant
- Sleek and elegant appearance
- Easy to clean
12. Bamboo Toys
By now you must be convinced that Bamboo is pretty versatile. If you google for Bamboo toys you can find a lot of them. Both functional and those that are for display purposes only.
We have comes across boats, bikes, planes. The functional ones like roller skates, bow and arrow.
Good old Dice can also be made out of bamboo.
Although bamboo is completely safe for children the only catch is the glue used to make these toys. Bamboo toys are safe, fun and non-toxic.
13. Using Bamboo as Medicine
Bamboo is being used as medicine in China for generations. Bamboo has medicinal characteristics. It can cure cold, flu, fever, nasal congestion etc.
Bamboo salt is beneficial as well.
Which part of Bamboo is medicinal?
- Bamboo Shavings: After removing the outer layer of Bamboo, the middle layer can be grated into thin slices. These Bamboo shavings can help you get relief from fever, nasal congestion and vomiting.
- Bamboo sap: This is a secreted and dried up liquid that sits in the joints. Bamboo sap is extremely beneficial for skin. It can cure fever, Phlegm, convulsion
- Liquid Bamboo sap: The secretion can also be obtained in liquid form by removing the outer layer of bamboo and then heating the inner layer. It is known to cure same symptoms.
- Bamboo leaves: We have already seen how beneficial bamboo leaves are. The leaves are harvested and dried before using. Bamboo leaves can relieve you from fever, fidgeting and inflammation in lungs.
Don’t worry most of the above taste sweet. A few species of bamboo leaves taste bitter.
14. Bamboo Rugs
Another cool way to use Bamboo is to make it into a rug. Select a fully grown bamboo, slice all the nodes vertically. Slice the bamboo vertically every 2 inches. Clear the nodes. There you have.
This can be another one of your DIY projects.
Bamboo rugs are extremely pleasant, they add a natural flavour to your floor.
They also bring in all the goodness of Bamboo.
15. Using Bamboo to make Paper
The Chinese invented Paper and it has been in use since 100 BC. We all know how paper is made of wooden pulp.
Since bamboo is very similar in characteristics to that of wood, paper can be made with bamboo as well.
The pulp is slightly harder than wood, the rest of the process remain the same.
Paper is heavily used all over the world and each year millions of trees are cut down to meet the demand. Bamboo paper is the best way to preserve the forests.
16. Bamboo Clothes
Yes, even Bamboo clothes are a real thing. The process of converting Bamboo into a fabric is slightly complex. Bamboo is put through a mechanical and chemical process before spinning it into a yarn.
Clothing of all kinds can be made from Bamboo. Men’s clothing, women’s clothing, children’s clothing, innerwear, robes, towels, sheets, shawls etc.
Benefits of Bamboo clothes
- Bamboo clothing is soft
- It is anti-bacterial
- Bamboo clothing keep you dry and warm
- Bamboo clothing bocks out harmful UV rays
- They are non-irritating, good match if your skin is prone to allergies
17. Food: Bamboo Shoots
We all know Pandas love bamboo.
But, is it really good for human consumption?
It is actually Pandas who made this discovery. Asian countries like Japan, China and Taiwan enjoy this delicacy.
Just after the rainy season, Bamboo begins to sprout. Before these edible clums reach the length of 1 feet they are harvested. These are known as a Bamboo Shoots.
Bamboo Shoots have a mild flavour and crunchy texture. You can cook it with rice, add to a stir-fry or soups, noodles etc.
The Benefits of consuming Bamboo Shoots
- Bamboo shoots are low in calories and can help in weight loss. 100 grams of shoots contain mere 27 calories.
- They are rich in Potassium, they reduce bad cholesterol
- Rich in dietary fibre, they help control constipation
- Bamboo shoots have anti-cancerous properties
- They are also good for respiratory problems
- They can help ease menstrual disorders
18. Bamboo Bicycle
If you have been surfing the internet you sure have come across Bamboo bicycle.
Bernice Dapaah created the Ghana Bamboo Bike initiative. It is currently being funded by UN and US to spread awareness on the poverty, climate change and rural unemployment.
Bicycle frames and made of bamboo instead of steel and aluminium. The bicycles are eco-friendly and cost effective. They also plant 2 bamboo for every bamboo harvest
The bikes are then sold to consumers internationally. According to Wikipedia over 1000 such bikes are already sold.
A few private companies also manufacture and sell these bicycles.
Benefits of Bamboo bicycles
- They are extremely stiff and durable
- They are rare on the streets, expect a few heads to turn your way
- The vibrations are minimal
- Low carbon footprint
19. Bamboo Helmets
We know that bamboo is extremely hard. What better way to use it than to protect our precious heads.
Bamboo helmets use a combination of bamboo cloth and bamboo slivers. Every helmet passes the European E22/05 quality check.
Many consider bamboo helmets as trendsetters. Good Bye plastic!
Bamboo helmets come with some benefits as well:
- Extremely trendy
- Strong and durable
- Odour-free and long lasting
20. Using Bamboo to make Computers and Smartphone Hardware
In the Smartphone and computer’s world trends are fast moving. Bamboo is in use for two main reasons.
Bamboo gives it a sleek look. Asus is a brand that came up with the laptop with the outer shell made of bamboo.
Oneplus is a smartphone manufacturing brand. It is popular for providing cases made of wood and bamboo.
The other reason being protection. Smartphones are getting thin by the day. Hence, many smartphone users opt for a bamboo case to add protection to their smartphone.
So what can you use Bamboo for?
You can use it for pretty much everything. Bamboo is a perfect alternative for hardwood.
Bamboo is light weight, strong, durable and flexible. These qualities are good enough to make furniture, decors, flooring, roofing, clothes, paper and even entire building from Bamboo.
Strangely enough, bamboo is also beneficial when consumed. Also use it as medicine.
Bamboo also locks in CO2, much more than any other tree. It also releases 35% more oxygen than others.
Bamboo is an excellent alternative to hardwood.
The demand for hardwood is depleting our forest faster than ever. In a situation like this only Bamboo can save the planet.
Be sure to check out in case you need to buy Bamboo furniture and products online.