by Sai Kiran | Apr 26, 2017 | Benefits of Bamboo, Uncategorized
Ever heard of Bamboo Quotes? It’s surprising, right? Seems like we all know Bamboo has been utilized for various purposes across the world. Furthermore, Bamboo is used as a food, medicine, Alcohol, Paper, Wood, construction material and much more. In addition to this,...
by Sai Kiran | Mar 30, 2017 | Bamboo Products, Bamboo Structures, Benefits of Bamboo, Uncategorized
Bamboo products are widely used all over the world. Bamboo products have the highest durability and can be used in extreme conditions. Below is the list of Bamboo products. 1. Bamboo Roads: The use of bamboo as reinforcement in portland cement concrete has been...
by Sai Kiran | Mar 18, 2017 | Bamboo Products, Benefits of Bamboo
Amazing Bamboo uses and its facts. While most of us know Bamboo as grass, we do not know Bamboo uses and facts. Below are some of the facts and uses of Bamboo. History of Bamboo. Bamboo has an existence over Seven thousand (7000) years. According to the records, it is...
by Indrani Mukherjee | Mar 2, 2017 | Benefits of Bamboo
Before we jump into Araku Valley’s Bamboo chicken & Biriyani, Let’s taka a quick look at Bamboo itself. What is Bamboo and why is it important anyway? BAMBOO is India’s one of the most valuable natural resource. Thanks to diversity in its...
by Waseem Akram | Feb 9, 2017 | Bamboo Products, Bamboo Structures, Benefits of Bamboo
Bamboo is a typical plant from the grass family. I like to call it a miracle grass for reasons mentioned in this article. It is one the fastest growing grass with some species growing as much as 36 inches in 24 hours. Bamboo is best known for the strength and...
by Indrani Mukherjee | Jan 18, 2017 | Benefits of Bamboo
Benefits of Bamboo salt Bamboo salt, also known as the miracle salt it has anti-cancerous and anti-viral properties that can prevent and treat various types of cancer and illnesses. It has an antiseptic power that can be used to treat mouth sores as well as various...